Philmont Gear

The most important item of personal gear you need for Philmont is a really good pair of hiking boots. These will cost anywhere from $100 to $250.

What features your boots should have and how to select them:

CLICK HERE for a really informative page with video from REI on selecting the right hiking boot.

...and appropriate socks. The kind of socks you wear with your boots is also very important. We will discuss this at our prep meetings but you can also see it HERE.

How to lace your boots

Your backpack is your next most important

Your pack will carry everything that you'll need for 12 days on the trail: personal gear, crew gear, food, water. Depending on our itinerary, especially how many days between food pickups and whether we'll have any dry camps (no water), you could carry anywhere from 30 to 50 pounds (the goal is to never exceed 25% of your body weight, at least not for long periods). A good pack will cost between $150 and $250 (although there are very often closeouts from prior year models; check You can also rent a pack at Philmont.

==> HOW TO FIT YOUR BACKPACK (video) <==

There are two primary styles of backpack:

Packs come in lots of different sizes and with many different features. We recommend:

Your crew advisors and some crew members have considerable experience in selecting packs and other outdoor gear. You can get their advice when we discuss gear at our prep meetings.

At the end of every day crews must gather all their "smellables" into bear bags and hang them high above the ground.

Other gear you will need (and which we will discuss later):


Trail clothes:

Other personal gear:

Lots more tips on gear selection at (for example, this article about selecting your base layers).

Or THIS ARTICLE about rain jackets.

Crew gear

Crew gear includes anything that more than one person will use, such as:

Most of this will be supplied by our Troop but if you already have a lightweight, good-quality backpacking tent we'd like to know.

Good sources for Backpacking Gear:

Reliable brands:



Sleeping Bags:

Hydration Bags (bladders)