Wissahickon Creek Cleanup 2024

April 27 • 9 to 11:30AM

Do you need to complete an outdoor related rank achievement?  Or raise some funds for yourself for Summer Camp or High Adventure? Or get out into the outdoors with your fellow Scouts? Or simply BE HELPFUL? Please join the Troop for the Wissahickon Creek Clean Up on Saturday, April 27th from 9-11:30AM 

This service project would be good for any of the following Scout requirements:

You can also earn funds for the hiking you do this day as part of the Hike-a-Thon program

The hiking you do during this project can help you earn funds for Summer Camp or Northern Tier as part of the Hike-a-Thon fundraising program. Download THIS FORM and collect pledges from your supporters. You must turn in any money or checks to Troop 98 by May 17th and we'll credit your Troop Scout account (you get 55% of what you raise; the rest goes to Cradle of Liberty Council - more details on the program can be found on the Council webpage here).

Are you working towards First Class and need Citizenship 9b - Investigate an environmental issue in your community?  
You can learn about 2 issues along our creek clean up walk: